Компанию UaMedTours основали два специалиста высочайшего уровня в своих направлениях: врач высшей категории с 19-летним опытом и маркетолог с 15-летним опытом работы.

Результатом их сотрудничества стала компания, которая знает проблемы и потребности наших клиентов до мельчайших деталей и готова предоставить самое качественное решение.

Мы с гордостью предоставляем услуги лучших медицинских центров Украины, о которых знает весь мир. Мы также предоставляем полный спектр услуг по оформлению документов, трансферу и бронированию номеров. Кроме этого, если у вас возникает языковой барьер, то мы предоставляем переводчика, который будет сопровождать вас в случае необходимости.

Кто мы?


Александр Золотарев


Доктор внутренней медицины (терапевт), специалист по ультразвуковой диагностике, специалист по организации и управлению здравоохранением, медицинский психолог, анестезиолог.

Очная медицинская практика с 2002 года. Основатель успешной частной клиники в Харькове - Doctor.Kharkov.

Для каждого пациента врач должен иметь не только багаж знаний, но и стратегию избавления от проблемы - набор последовательных действий для постановки диагноза и выбора оптимального лечения. Но секрет успеха врача - искреннее желание помочь победить болезнь и обеспечить пациенту долгую и здоровую жизнь.

Дмитро Долженко


Здравствуйте, меня зовут Дмитрий. Я занимаюсь маркетингом в медицинской сфере уже 15 лет. Я знаю потребности пациентов и знаю, как удовлетворить эти потребности максимально качественно. Моя миссия - сделать так, чтобы ваши впечатления от визита в Украину были только положительными.

Ваш максимальный комфорт, безопасность, удобство передвижения, вкусная еда, улыбки окружающих вас людей - это моя забота. Вам нужно только позвонить и высказать свои пожелания. Я всегда готов пойти на встречу и предоставить уникальный маршрут, если это позволит ваш врач, ведь ваше здоровье всегда на первом месте.


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Отзывы наших клиентов

Prices are lower than in the Czech Republic, at the same quality
In 2015, my sister was on vacation in Ukraine and decided to get her teeth fixed as well. She was so thrilled that she brought her doctor's card with her and advised everyone to go to Kharkov and to him. And this year, when the borders were barely opened, I went. I quickly found dentist Evgeny Grizodub and made an appointment. I was met at the airport, the next day I already received a treatment plan and in a week I was home. The only unpleasant thing was the hotel, photos and reality were very different. But about the doctor, I agree with my sister. I recommend MistoDent Dentistry and doctor Evgeny Grizodub.
Nikola Zwickov (Czech Republic)
Thanks a lot to Yana Honcharova MD
Dr Yana Yevgenyevna Honcharova was very kind. Definitely She's listened to my complaints and made sure all tests were done to try and make a diagnosis. I was surprised for that high level srvce. Thankful you're at the practice.
James Wilson (Colorado, USA)
Thx to You
I want to thank the staff at uamedtours for their excellent service. I was asked to write a review, so I am writing it. At first I was afraid to go from Antwerpen to a country where there is a war and they say that it is in complete disrepair. I was assured that this does not correspond to the truth. I decided to take the risk, the purpose of the trip - medical care, and no barriers at the border at the airport. I flew to Boryspil, was met by Dmitry and took me to Kiev to the pre-agreed hotel. He took care of all organizational matters. I arrived in the morning and had time in the afternoon for an appointment at the clinic. My companion waited for me there and after the appointment he drove me to my hotel. He left me a telephone with a possibility to call him in Ukraine and if it was necessary. After the treatment at the clinic all that was left was to fly home.
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"
Elise Peeters (Belgium)
It could have been better
I flew to Kiev for vision treatment at the Novy Zir Clinic. We discussed everything in advance with the girl Olga. I was met at the airport and escorted to the hotel, I don't even remember the name, but not a bad budget option. The hospital was literally just a few steps away. Therefore there was no problem. The problem was the language. The doctor spoke mediocre English, and if it were not for the receptionist I am not sure that we understood each other. I had to call Olga and solve this issue, because I was promised that the doctor speaks perfect English. At my next appointment I was met by Mr. Parkhomenko who continued my treatment. Three days later I was operated on for my glaucoma. Although I hoped to do without it, but the doctor convinced me. I recovered at home, but I really feel better. Had it not been for the incident with my first doctor, I would have said everything was fine, but now I have to check and recheck the work of the staff. Keep that in mind!
Jacob (Toronto, Canada)
Travel and my sore tooth
My wife loves to travel, we have been to more than 30 countries and this vacation she wanted to visit Ukraine. Everything was fine until I got a toothache. I took a painkiller, but it didn't help. We were alone in a foreign country and didn't know what to do. This was the first time it happened to us. And then we found Olga's number on the Internet and explained our situation. And it was magic. In an hour I was already sitting in the dentist's chair, and in two hours my wife and I were walking through the city again. And I didn't look like a baked pumpkin. It was a funny story. Olga, thank you.
Thomas Farlow (Gloucester, UK)
Cieszę się, że tam byłem.
Po krótkiej rozmowie postanowiłem zaryzykować wyjazd na Ukrainę. Tam jest dobra medycyna stomatologiczna w prostych przypadkach. Z Berlina leciałem przez Kijów. W Charkowie spotkała mnie Anna. Bardzo miła dziewczyna. Podczas jazdy do hotelu opowiedziała mi wiele o mieście i Ukrainie. Od razu zamieszkałem w hotelu i od razu dostałem obiad. Następnego dnia zostałem zbadany w Misto Dent. Doktor Evgeny przedstawił schemat leczenia, a ja zdałem sobie sprawę, że zostanę na tydzień, ponieważ trzeba wyleczyć 5 zębów. W ciągu tego tygodnia miałem czas na wycieczki i spacery po mieście. Po 6 miesiącach wszystko jest w porządku z moimi zębami, jestem zadowolony z usług firmy, kliniki i gościnności kraju. Mam nadzieję, że ta recenzja okaże się pomocna.
Heinrich Krause (Berlin, Niemcy)
We're pregnant
My name is Nicole and I am from Portland, Oregon. My husband and I have been unable to conceive for 7 years. I was diagnosed with infertility and prescribed expensive treatments. My friend is from Ukraine and when I told her about the problems with health insurance coverage, she advised me to go to Kiev and get treatment there. My husband and I thought it was crazy. But after a couple of weeks we made up our minds. I contacted Dmitriy and he suggested several options for clinics after learning about my diagnosis. We chose Grischenko clinic. Our doctor Elena was very nice and tactful. Those were difficult days. Tests, examinations. My husband and I were tired, but it was not for nothing. We could not go through the whole course of treatment, we had to go home. The doctors met us and adjusted some of the procedures to our abilities. We flew home exhausted, but literally six months later we were able to get pregnant. Thank you.
Nicole Coleman (Portland, Oregon)
I'm glad I was there.
After a short conversation I decided to risk going to Ukraine. There is good dental medicine there for simple cases. I flew from Berlin via Kiev. In Kharkov I was met by Anna. A very nice girl. While driving to the hotel she told me a lot about the city and Ukraine. I settled in the hotel immediately and immediately got lunch. The next day I was examined at Misto Dent. Doctor Evgeny charted the scheme of treatment and I realized that I will stay for a week, because need to treat 5 teeth. During that week I had time to go on excursions and just walk around the city. After 6 months everything is great with my teeth, I am satisfied with the service of the company, clinic and the hospitality of the country. I hope this review will be helpful.
Heinrich Krause (Berlin, Germany)